Also striving for excellence in what you do?

Sometimes you just need to see how others do it...

Sometimes you just need to see how others do it...

Hang out with me and other business owners looking to grow their brands to showcase their honesty and dependability.

You might not know this if you’re not a brand designer yourself… But understanding these little secrets can help you get the most out of your project and become what we affectionately call an ‘Ideal Client’. Like being the cool kid that get’s along with the nerds as well. As a Brand Identity Designer, here […]

Brand design, Business growth, Uncategorized, Working with a Designer

Confessions of a Brand Designer: The Little Secrets We Wish You Knew

Humans are drawn to beauty. We’re wired to notice the wonder around us. That’s why having a desirable, noteworthy brand identity is so effective. A beautiful brand catches the eye and sparks curiosity. But is that enough to turn viewers into buyers? I don’t think so. In our digital age, your audience is drowning in […]

Working with a Designer

How I create a Brand Identity Design – Using logic and empathy.

It is during this step that I come up with phrases to transform the data into words that make sense. A tagline or brand phrase is my way of saying it in my own words and making sure that I understand what they told me. 

DIY Brand Help

How to create a tagline that means something to you.